Unique Mother Day Necklace Gift

Handmade Necklace Gift

Usually women throughout the world are believed to be fond of jewelry. Of course moms are also no different. And when it is something hand made and that too by their kids then it naturally becomes a unique idea. This Mother’s Day present your dear mom a hand made beads necklace and remind her how much you love her.

Materials Needed

1. Beads of same size
2. Silver thread
3. Needle

The Making
1. First of all take the silver thread so long that it could be easily wore as a necklace.

2. Then you put this piece of thread in the needle.

3. Tie a knot at the other end of the thread in such a manner that no bead could slip out of the thread.

4. Now push the beads one by one, through their holes, into the needle and consequently into the thread.

5. You should cover the entire string with the beads just leaving the margin to tie it around the neck.

On the special occasion of Mother’s Day tie this special beads necklace around the neck of your mom and just win her heart.